
Welcome to Browsera! This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how your personal information is collected, used, and safeguarded when you use our Android application "Browsera". By using this app, you agree to the practices described in this policy.

Information We Collect:

Browsera is designed to respect your privacy and does not collect any personal data from its users. The app is focused on providing a video and image downloading service from the web. It does not access, store, or transmit any personal, sensitive, or identifiable information about you.

Usage of Information:

Since Browsera does not collect any personal information, the app does not use or share any such information for any purpose.

Third-Party Services:

Browsera does not utilize any third-party services that would collect or process user data.

Children's Privacy:

Browsera does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child may have provided information to the app, please contact us at [email protected] so that we can delete this information.


We understand the importance of keeping your information safe. Although Browsera does not collect or store any personal data, we take reasonable precautions to protect the app and its services from unauthorized access or use.

Changes to Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes to the policy will be posted within the app. Your continued use of Browsera after any modifications indicates your acceptance of the updated terms.